Preparation and Study of Anorthite/ Glass Composite Material 钙长石/玻璃复合材料的制备和性能研究
Transient Liquid Phase ( TLP) bonding offers a method of joining the composite material in low temperature. 瞬时液相扩散焊连接(TLP)提供了一种在低温下连接各种材料的焊接方法。
Study on performance of composite material based on epoxy resin reinforced by carbon fiber 碳纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料的性能研究
The microstructural effects associated with oxidation-reduction reaction in seawater magnesia-graphite composite material have been studied. 研究了海水镁砂-石墨复合材料中涉及氧化-还原反应的显微结构的作用。
The function of compatibilizer on in-situ composite material and species of compatibilizer in in-situ composite systems was reviewed. 阐述了原位复合体系中相容剂对原位复合材料的作用,并重点介绍了反应型及非反应型相容剂的近期发展状况。
Through the active control testing on composite material cantilever beam, the process of vibration absorbed is carried out. 通过对悬臂的复合材料梁实施主动控制试验,实现了减振控制过程。
The melting intercalation method is used to produce SBS4402/ organic montmorillonite ( OMMT) nano composite material. 采用熔融插层法制备SBS4402/有机蒙脱土(OMMT)纳米复合材料。
An overall presentation is given to the application of GRP/ composite material in shipbuilding in various countries. (尤指船、舰)不在使用中本文对世界各国玻璃钢/合材料在舰船中的应用情况作了综合性阐述。
Solid lubricant is using solid powder, film or composite material as the lubrication materials. 固体润滑剂就是利用固体粉末、薄膜或复合材料作为润滑材料。
It is concluded that the system can be used in nondestructive detection of composite material and honeycomb structure. 试验表明,该系统可用于复合材料结构和蜂窝夹层结构的无损检测。
A test method of velocity measurement for elastic constants of composite material is proposed. 提出了一种实用的声学法测量复合材料弹性常数的方法。
Research, performance and application in general machinery of PEEK composite material were introduced in this paper. 介绍了聚醚醚酮复合材料的研制、性能及在压力容器、泵、压缩机、阀门等通用机械领域中的应用。
The definition and function of the volume fraction and mass fraction for the hybrid fiber composite material was approached. 讨论了混杂纤维复合材料体积含量和质量含量的定义和作用;
In this dissertation, rigid-flexible coupling dynamics performance of flexible multi-body systems made of composite material is investigated. 本文研究了复合材料多体系统的刚-柔耦合动力学特性。
Effect of ZnO on properties of anorthite/ mullite composite material ZnO对钙长石/莫来石复合材料性能的影响
The manufacturing process and the performance characteristics of metal matrix-graphite composites material were introduced, and the application of this composite material discussed was discussed. 介绍了金属基石墨复合材料的性能特点、制造工艺,论述了该复合材料的应用。
This result provides some theoretical and experimental proofs for further studies on methods of inspecting composite material for defects. 实验结果为进一步研究红外检测复合材料缺陷提供了理论与实验依据。
Finally, the application of intelligent temperature control composite material in infrared camouflage is summarized and predicted. 最后对智能温控复合材料在红外隐身技术中的应用进行了总结和展望。
Properties and Mechanism Study of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite Material 聚丙烯纤维增强水泥复合材料的性能与机理研究
The Application of Lightweight and High Strength Polyurethane/ Steel Composite Material in Structural Engineering 轻质高强聚氨酯/钢复合材料在结构工程中的应用
It is high speed multi-function equipment designed for processing paper, film and composite material coating& printing. 适用于纸张、薄膜及复合材料涂布、印刷等加工而设计的一种高速多功能设备。
Feature of acoustic emission and failure analysis for three-dimensional braided composite material under compressive load; 相对于层合复合材料,三维编织复合材料具有高的损伤容限和冲击载荷下不分层的特点。
The pore characteristics of cement-based composite material after high temperatures were investigated with MIP. 采用压汞测孔法对高温下水泥基复合材料孔隙特征进行了研究。
The button lithium secondary cell was fabricated with composite material as cathode. 用制备的复合材料作正极,组装了扣式锂二次电池。
Modification of Carbon Nanotubes and Research of Their Composite Material Properties 碳纳米管的改性及其复合材料性能的研究
They're not wood at all but a hollow-core composite material with amazing structural strength and durability. 所有这些不是木头,而是有着惊人的结构强度和耐久性的一种空心核心合成材料。
With the help of advanced composite material technology, the development of function fiber turns into an important aspect. 随著先进复合材料技术的发展,纤维功能化的发展成为现代纤维发展的重要方向。
The preparation technology and the physical structure of shaped basalt fiber composite material are studied. 探讨了由玄武岩纤维与植物纤维复合制备型体材料的基本方法及复合材料的物理结构。
Also, the machine adopts light-weight high-strength carbon fiber composite material and aluminum alloys material for simple and credible structure. 同时该机采用了重量轻,强度高的碳纤复合材料和铝合金材料,结构简单可靠。
Preparation and Antibacterial Research of Palygorskite Antibacterial Composite Material; an antibiotic and antifungal agent. 凹凸棒石抗菌复合材料制备及其抗菌试验研究抗生素和抗真菌药物混合而成的药物。